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    Club808 Junior Program – code name Project-N



    课程内容以高尔夫技术基础, 重对高尔夫兴趣的培养和高尔夫基本技术的掌握,并达到球技初、中级水准,同时增强规则,与礼仪,高尔夫文化的学习。并进行以实战为题的培训,
    帮助青少年球员提高下场实践作战能力。 采取灵活教学形式,根据学生不同的时间,不同的身体素质和技术水平,训练分为初级班和提高班。初级班主要是培养孩子的兴趣,并能打非常的好的高尔夫、提高班则针对每位小球员的特点进行专业个性化教学。资深教练采用专业教学和开放式培训,因材施教,寓教于乐。我们将聘请华盛顿州知名的教练。

    Our next generation is growing fast than we think, let’s put something in his pocket that can benefit all his/her life. Something that you can enjoy no matter you are young or old, something you can play with a mayor with or other successful people. US has unique resources for golf educations, there are countless golf courses that offer junior program at a reasonable price.

    However, golf is not a cheap sports. It needs a lot of dedication of both money and time. Think of the 4-5 hours time each round cost. Too often it’s hard for a parent like you to know which is the right program to choose, too often you will have to accompany your kid to spend 4-5 hours on the course while you don’t play at all. Luckily, you are not along, it’s time to find an non-profit organization where you can get more information from parents like you and get your kid’s game off the ground, where you will find a lot of parents alike. Join the club808 and our Project-N, you will feel at home!

    club808 Junior program is under the leadership of Jim Zhao, club 808 VP, who himself has successful story for golf education. Both of his sons are playin golf well. His older son is playing for club golf at Boston college, and his younger son Ivan has won a lot of prizes from club808 competition in August.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    1). Who can join the program?
    Answer: Boys and girls younger than 18
    2). Where can I buy clubs?
    Answer: Pro golf Bellevue shop(14121 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, WA 98007), club808 has deal with progolf that we have 10% discount of golf equipment. Puetz, the store service will help you buy the right size.
    3). Who will be the coach for the program?
    Answer: We will choose a very good local coach.
    4). How often will we offer lessons?
    Answer: For most of the serious kids, the goal is an hour each week. Some parents want to have more frequent lessons and some want to have less lessons, this is all based on parents needs and can be negotiated. We will organize the group lessons, but for daily practice, this would be up to each parents.
    5). Where is the golf course?
    Answer: Newcastle will be the main golf course for Bellevue. For Sammamish, we use Mount Si. We can expand to other golf courses if we have enough kids.
    6). Do we need to join club808 membership to participate in this program?
    Answer: Yes, the kid need to join club808 to enjoy the benefit of this program. Parents need to provide their emails and mobile for routine commuication. Please refer to the Junior program application form for detail. Parents are also encouraged to join club808, so you can grow together with your kids!
    7). What is the cost for the program?
    Answer: First you need to join club808 as a member. Other than that, it will be a group lesson rate for golf lessons, so this will be cheaper than negotiating by yourself.
    8). If there is already a family member in club808, does it cost less to join the program?
    Answer: Yes, if there is already a family member that has club808 membership, the new member does not need to pay for the $100 initiation fee. So if there are 2 or 3 kids in one family, only 1 initiation fee is needed.
    9). Does this Junior program go all year around or limited by season, especially in state like Washington that have 6 months of rain?
    Answer: We play all year around, we are full year program. The beginning of each year is April 1st.
    10). For club808, the fiscal year starts at April 1st and ends the next year of March 31st, if we join this program end of the year, can we enjoy half year membership?
    Answer: The club808 Junior program is all year around program. However, like normal membership, if the kids join after September 1st, he can just pay for half of the membership fee.
    11). For boys and girls of different age and skill level, how will they be grouped together?
    Answer: Coach will usually spilt by skill level
    12). What is the minimum and maximum group size?
    Answer: Min 5 to Max 20. We have coaches excited to host this program. There are already kids lined up for this program.
    13). Other than the learning sessions, will club808 organize 18 hole playing?
    Answer: Yes. We wll try to have game day every week.
    14). Does the pairing limited to the teaching group, or they can find their player buddy randomly, will this be fixed?
    Answer: It would be flexable
    15). For the lessons, do we pay club808 or the coach directly. Who will negotiate the price for us.
    Answer: This is up to you, parents can pay coach directly.
    16). Where and how do we share information like car pool? Who should we contact for program information?
    Answer: Usually for high school golf team, their parents fill the form to sign allow the kids have carpool. Club808 will have regular parent meetings which will take care of this.
    17). If my kids is older than 18 years old or in college, can we join the program to enjoy the benefit?
    Answer: I think they may, need to ask coach to figure out the rate for adult. Some parents also want to learn with their kids, this should also be OK, but this will be negotiated with the specific coach.
    18). Do we need to setup a parent board within club808? Do we need to have club level parents meeting regularly?
    Answer: Yes, we will once we reach certain number. The board will meet every month or two months.
    19). My kids is only 3, 4 years old, can we join the program as well? What is the best age to start golfing?
    Answer: Yes, Tiger Woods start golfing at the age of 3. It’s all up to the parents to decide what is the right age to start golfing.
    20). Where should I send the application form? Where should I send the check for the joining fee?
    Answer: You should print out the application form, fill all the fields and sign it by both kid and parent, send it along with a check of appropriate amount to our below address:
    Juliet Zhang
    East West Bank
    10900 NE 4th Street Suite 200, Bellevue WA 98004
    We accept personal check, cashier check, and money order. Please make the check out to: Club 808.

    Club808 Junior Program DOs:: 808 will help negotiate with golf coaches recommended by fellow parents to organize golf group lessons 808 can use our website to organize Junior program golf playing everyday 808 can help to create a parent board(or special commission) within club808 that supervise the program and adjust our service, an email alias will be created to share information among the parents 808 will appoint a VP to supervise the program and offer needed guidance 808 website can be used to share information like car pool or Junior tournament
    6.Junior players who joined our program will be entitled to join our regular monthly tournament and treated as normal member 808 will take pictures during the Junior programs for the purpose for education or propagation, these pictures will be used on our club 808 website, or some local newspapers.
    Club808 Junior Program Don’ts: 808 are not taking the responsibility of teaching or sending kids to tournament or training, parents should be responsible for the kids safety on and off course, and they can negotiate car pool among themselves 808 are not responsible for any accident happened on the course or training facilities, kids are not allowed to practice or play along. At least one of the parent should accompany them(with the consent from other parents)

    Application Form download:
    The boy or girl need to join club808 membership to participate in this program. The Junior program application form download.

    You should print out the application form, fill all the fields and sign it by both kid and parent, send it along with a check of appropriate amount to our below address:
    Juliet Zhang
    East West Bank
    10900 NE 4th Street Suite 200, Bellevue WA 98004
    We accept personal check, cashier check, and money order. Please make the check out to: Club 808.