808 Rules
“Net score” refers to a golfer’s score after handicap strokes have been deducted. Put more technically, the net score is a player’s gross score minus his or her course handicap allows to be deducted during the course of the round. To make the game fair, a player should keep his handicap accurate. This requires that he inputs every score he has into our system.
Club 808 tournament rule:
1) One player can only have no more than 14 clubs in the golf bag on the course, otherwise he/she will be disqualified. Even if the game is already finished. In a scrable or team competition, the whole team will be disqualified of any awards.
2) electric devices are allowed, the device must measure distance only; it must not measure other conditions such as wind speed or direction, the slope of the ground, or the temperature. For phone apps with GPS, it is allowed in our competition
3) If there are multiple close to pin won by the same person, he/she can only win the first one of them. Other KP will be won by the second person. If only one people qualify the KP after this person, then that person will be awarded. A player can win both the close to pin and longest drive.
Club 808 handicap rules:
1)按差点分组的比赛或以差点为标准的净杆排名,要求每位选手要有合格的差点数据。不准确的差点数据意味着比赛失去了公正的前提 。808为每位会员都付费注册登记了USGA GHIN差点,每位会员有义务维护差点数据的准确性,不能按规定更新差点数据或提供虚假数据的,其差点将被视为无效。
Club 808 President Cup rules:
- 参赛球员Qualification:808高球俱乐部会员及14岁以上的少年队会员。
二,参赛人数: 64 ,Number of players。
- 为使参赛选手保持一定程度的可对抗性,拟将全部报名截止时的前64位选手按差点从低到高顺序排列;
- 以排在第32/33位的选手的差点为分界点,分成A组的低差点组1–32名和B组的高差点组33–64名,选手在各自所在组由组委会抽签决定每个参赛选手的本轮比赛对象。
- 两组选手在本组比赛进入前四名后,由组委会统一组织这八位选手进行两组合并后的半决赛和决赛的赛程安排。
三,比赛形式Game Format:
比洞赛,1对1 使用USGA GHIN差点系统差额的70%计算让杆。
808 member and Junior member of 14 or older。
Match play, 1 on 1, with USGA GHIN差点系统 HDCP (Use 70% of difference of HDCPs)
四, 优胜者的确定Winner:
1, 每洞净杆少者赢洞,全场赢洞多者为比赛胜者。如果全场打平,第18洞成绩决定胜负。如果第18洞平,用第17洞,类推。he player with the fewest NET strokes on an individual hole wins that hole; the player。winning the most holes wins the match. Winner of Hole 18 wins if the match ties (Hole 17 etc. if Hole 18 ties).
五, 比赛日程Dates:
- 比赛自3月20日开始微信报名;registration open on Wechat3/20,4月10日结束报名。
- 组委会根据前述按高低差点分组规则进行已报名选手的差点分组,分成两个组后,对两个组内的选手进行抽签配对,并将结果公开发布,选手随即可与配对选手约战,开始比赛。
• 5/16: Round of 64, 第一轮比赛结束
• 6/20: Round 32, 第二轮比赛结束
• 7/18: Round of 16, 第三轮比赛结束
• 8/9: Quarter Final, 四分之一决赛比赛结束
• 8/29:Semifinals, 半决赛比赛结束
• 9/12:Final 决赛结束
六, 比赛场地要求Courses: 为减少在比赛场地选择上的争议,比赛双方可参考以下组委会指导原则:
1) 在组委会划定的球场范围之内选择(组委会事先考察·确定·公布3—5个适合的球场,目的是为参赛选手尽量争取到较好的打球时段和价格);
2) 双方各提俩个本地球场(可扩大到组委会指导场地以外),双方通过抽签决定比赛场地。
3)前四轮比赛双方自行决定比赛场地,日期。各组前四名选手产生后由808组委会安排后面的比赛场地,计划由组委会提供3-4个场地由配对选手共同选择,遇两人有分歧时由组委会指定场地进行比赛。Two players decide together the course, date and time in early rounds; Club will select the semifinal and final courses。
七, 发球台Tee:
1)男子:蓝或白 (使用USGA GHIN差点系统决定蓝白tee让杆数量)
Male: Blue or White; using new World Handicap System standard calculation
2)女子:红Female: Red
八, 其他流程: Process
First 64 club 808 member registered on club 808 website with HDCP below 25。
Based on the order of players signup, each player gets the registration number (First player registered is No. 1, last player registered is No. 64)
3)),各比赛选手根据组委会公布的由抽签产生的比赛对手,自行联系对手并讨论安排比赛日期,球场 和出发台选择,上报808组委会。
March opponents discuss the date of match, book the tee time; report course name and tee selection to 808。
Club 808 will provide the course HDCP for each player and decide how many strokes on which holes the better player will Give to weaker player 808。
Players play the match play, submit the scorecard and report the result to 808。
808 post the result on website and chat group, update the game sheet for next round, give out the points.
十,争议解决Club 808 will decide the game result if there is a dispute.
1)比赛双方对比赛结果如有争议,双方可协商解决;若协商无果,可上报组委会予以协调;仍不能确定的交裁判委员会最终决定,形成比赛最终结果 。
1. )球场选择由双方共同讨论决定,并最晚在比赛开始的前一天报备给组委会备案;
2. )Tee台由player自定,player无权要求对方打什么Tee, 双方根据GHIN APP按照各自的tee selection 计算球场Handicap 及相应的让杆数;比赛当天不能修改球场和tee台的选择;
如比赛中对规则出现争议,双方与裁判自行解决,如不能达成共识,比赛继续进行,不可slow pace of play 或压住后面一组,比赛结束后三方通知会长,会长以USGA规则决定结果。
4,) 球童:为了减少争议,这次会长杯808董事会决定一律不容许带球童。
Club 808 “Low Net” awards rule:
1.He/she must be a club808 paid member of current year to qualify.
2.He/she must have an official handicap in club808. To establish a club808 handicap, he/she must have at least input 5 rounds of golf scores into our system before the tournament.
3.Standard handicap from USGA or it’s authorized organizations like GHIN.com is accepted and considered equivalent to club808 handicap.
4.If the handicap is kept in club808, he/she must post at least 1 round of score in the month prior to the competition(monthly tournament is excluded). To facilitate club808 activities, this event need to be published to be seen by all members. If he/she join three of such events and post scores, he/she can get 1 stroke benefit in the calculation. This 1 stroke will be averaged in a scramble format tournament.
Tie breaker in tournament:
We have encounter many instances where two players or two teams score the same in one tournament. Some times this will cause confusion and argument. To simplify the scoring and avoid confusion, club808 will use following rules for tie breaking in all our tournaments unless otherwise noted:
1. The two(or more) players or teams must have the same score from the same tee
2. First count the number of eagles, the order of player/team will be based on the number of eagles. The more eagles one player/team score, the higher position the player/team will get.
3. If tied players/teams score the same number of eagles(or none), then count the number of birdies from all the tied players/teams. In case only some of the teams got resolved in this step, the rest will be resolved in the following steps.
4. If tied players/teams score the same number of birdies, then count the number of pars from all the tied players/teams.
5. In case all players/teams still ties after counting pars, then the order will be decided on the first scoring eagle, birdie, and par.
1. It counts as a stroke if your club gets tangled up in some overhanging tree branches as you make your downswing
2. There must be water present in a pond for it to be treated as a water hazard.
3. If your lay-up on a par 5 embeds in its own pitch mark in the fairway. You may remove the ball and take a free drop within one club-length of that spot. You just can’t have the ball come to rest any closer to the hole.
4. A flagstick that is lying on the ground can be lifted to prevent a player’s ball from striking it.
5. You hit your approach shot into a thick bush. You see a ball a few feet in, but can’t identify the make and model before your five minutes of allotted search time expires. You ball is considered lost.
6. You can lean on your club in a hazard, while you wait to play your next shot, without penalty
7. Your drive heads toward a row of out of bounds stakes. You hit a provisional ball(of the same brand and number) on an identical line. If you only find one ball in play, but can’t identify which was the first ball. You must assume the original is the one that’s out-of-bounds
8. If your ball is close to a cart path, it’s OK to take a wider stance than you normally would and claim relief from the path because it now interferes with your stance.
9. You’ve addressed the ball once you sole a club, directly behind or in front of it.
10. You ball lies on top of an aeration hole in the fairway. You’re allowed to move the ball without penalty because it’s ground under repair
1, true; 2, false; 3, false; 4, true; 5, true; 6, false; 7, true; 8, false; 9, true; 10, false;
1. The USGA’s DEFINITION OF A STROKE is the forward movement of the club made with the intent of moving the ball. Again, the key word is intent. It doesn’t count as a stroke if, during the downswing, you choose not to hit the shot and purposely miss the ball – even if your club head passes over the top of it.
2. IF YOU TRY TO STOP YOUR SWING but accidentally hit the ball, it’s a stroke. Play it as it lies
3. IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY MOVE YOUR BALL while making a practice swing, it’s not a stroke but you must take one-stroke penalty and replace the ball
4. IF YOU PUSH OR SCRAPE YOUR BALL, INSTEAD OF STRIKING IT, that’s not considered a legal stroke and you must take a two-stroke penalty or concede the hole in a match. That means you can’t pool cue the ball into the hole or put your club head directly behind and ball and nudge it forward. You can hit the ball with any part of the club head, but the ball-club contact needs to be instantaneous
5. DRUING A STROKE, IF YOU MAKE CONTACT WITH THE BALL MORE THAN ONCE, counts the stroke and adds a penalty stroke. The same procedure and penalty apply if you hit the ball and it deflects off of something and hits your club again.
6. IF YOUR CLUB BREAKS DURING YOUR BACKSWING, and you still attempt to complete the swing, it doesn’t count as a stroke. But if your club breaks during the downswing, it counts as a stroke regardless of whether the ball was moved.
7. IF YOUR BALL MOVES DURING YOUR SWING, comes to rest in a new position before you make contact, and you still hit it, that counts as a stroke- no penalty- as long as you’re certain you didn’t cause the ball to move(before you hit it). However, if you are not entirely certain how and why your ball moved from its original lie, then you must take a one-stroke penalty and play from ball’s new position