2021 Club 808 Tournament Rules 公开赛规则
2021年 Club808 公开赛规则
- 为了保持比赛的正常进度,设置单洞记杆封顶,3杆洞最多7杆,4杆洞最多9杆,5杆洞最多10杆
- 男子蓝tee,65岁以上白tee. 女子,12岁以下儿童 红tee
- 净杆采用新贝利亚制计算方式:
差点 = [( 12洞总合杆数)*1.5 -71标准杆]*0.8
- 奖项设置:男子总杆前三,净杆前六. 女子总杆前三,净杆前六。最远距离奖(第8洞),最近洞奖(第11洞)。
- 由两人为一组的净杆比杆赛。打法为每洞两人分别开球,第二杆选择最佳球位的球每人分别打,第三杆依然选择最佳球位的球分别打,依次类推,直至球入洞。
- Scramble 按 USGA GHIN 差点先计算出两人组的差点,所有组之间按差点计算出每组净杆杆数。计算方法为:两人组差点= 35%*低差点+15%*高差点 。
- 男子蓝tee,65岁以上白tee,女子,12岁以下儿童 红tee
- 每组两个队员中每人至少要贡献不少于6个的开杆
- 夏季规则. 抛球时不得超过原位置一个杆把的距离且不能改善球位状态,在征求同组对手同意后也可以在遗失或出界的位置罚两杆抛球。必须推球入洞。
Hole #7 $50,000 cash 7号洞: 5万美元现金奖
Man(男子): 150 yards Woman(女子): 135 yards
Hole # 2 Set of Callaway X-Hot Irons 2号洞: Callaway X-hot 铁杆一套
Man(男子): 150 yards Woman(女子): 135 yards
Hole # 9 Set of Callaway X-Hot Irons 9号洞: Callaway X-hot 铁杆一套
Man(男子): 150 yards Woman(女子): 135 yards
Hole #11 Omaha Steaks for a Year 11号洞: 一年的OMAHA牛排
Man(男子): 150 yards Woman(女子): 135 yards
Hole #15 $500 Master card 15号洞: $500 美元的Master现金卡
Man(男子): 150 yards Woman(女子): 135 yards
2021 Club 808 Open Tournament Rules
Tournament formats:
Stroke play
2-person scramble
Players choose which format you will play when registering for the tournament. All players must provide GHIN handicap. Tournament uses USGA official rules
Stroke play format:
- Maximum scores: par 3 as 7, par 4 as 9 and par 5 as 10.
- Tees: Men tee off from blue tee, players over 65yrs old play white tee. Women and junior under 12 year old play from Red tee.
- Net score calculation uses the The Peoria system. The tournament rule committee secretly select 6 holes before the competition, there are 2 par 3s, two par 4s and two par 5s. The remaining 12 hole scores will be used to calculate the handicap. Your handicap = ((the scores of remaining 12 holes x 1.5) – 71) x 0.8. Your net score = your gross score – you handicap.
- Prizes: Men: Top 3 low gross scores. Top 6 low net scores. Women: Top 3 low gross scores, top 6 low net scores. Long drive(LD) (Hole #8) and close to pin(KP) (Hole #11).
2-person Scramble:
- Two players play as a team competing for the low net.
- all team members tee off on each hole and then decide which tee shot they like the best and mark the spot with a tee or ball marker. They all play from there until ball goes into the hole.
- The team score will be calculated by net score. Team’s handicap = 35% lower handicap + 15% higher handicap.
- Men players tee off from blue tee, players over 65yrs old play white tee. lady players and junior under 12 years old play from red tee.
- Each member of the team must contribute at least 6 tee shots.
Prize: The top two low net teams.
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